Welcome to the Featured Gallery - A place to find current exhibits, new images or a special online-only exhibit. The Featured Gallery will change periodically, so check back often!
Individually Beautiful, Mini Canvases of Nature
2020 edition
The most recent edition to the collection has started its debut! On March 26th, a selection of images from the 2020 edition are being released. Each week more will be debuted until the edition is released in its entirety. This new edition is the most diverse to date and includes images of more than just aspen leaves, but also other found surprises among the aspens. A number of images from this edition are comprised of not just focus-stacked images, but sets of focus-stacked images compiled to create a final image yielding amazing detail, even at very large print sizes.
To purchase Fine Art Prints from the collection visit the Fallen from the Aspen purchase page
March 26th image debut (round 1)
Round 2 image debut
Round 3 image debut
Round 4 image debut
Round 5 image debut
Round 6 image debut
Round 7 image debut