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Project Update: Motions 10
The Motions 10 Kickstarter fundraiser is now underway!
The fundraiser will end March 31st and it's an all or nothing effort - If the funds are not raised by the end of the month, the project is a no-go.

What will Motions 10 be?
I have aspirations to create a graciously-sized coffee table book (11"x14") this year showcasing Motions images from the past decade. But, I need some help. In order to afford printing a minimum of 50 of these beauties, I need to raise at least $5,500.
The fundraiser will end March 31st. It's an all or nothing effort - If the funds are not raised by the end of the month, the project is a no-go.
As a thank you, I'm offering a number of pledge packages with reward items ranging from greeting card sets all the way up to larger limited edition aluminum fine art prints! A number of the pledge packages also include a signed and numbered Motions 10 book once it's printed.
Self publishing isn’t cheap (especially when quality is important) and I’m not wealthy. That’s where crowdfunding comes in.
Project goal amounts | The main project goal amount is set at $5,500 however, there are also two more goal levels. If funding reaches at least the 2nd goal level, the project will yield more quantities of books printed along with additional features that would be added (such as fold out pages).
Minimum project goal of $5,500 | This will be enough to have 50 books printed plus cover other costs associated with estimated pledge reward items, shipping and fundraising fees.
2nd tier goal of $11,000 | If the campaign reaches this amount, I will be able to have 150 books printed and will likely add at least one foldout page.
3rd tier goal of $18,000 | If the campaign reaches this amount, I will be able to have 300 books printed and will likely add two or three foldout pages.
Final retail price for the book will likely be over $100. By supporting this project with a pledge of at least $90, not only will you be receiving a book at a discounted price but will also receive a personally signed and numbered edition. I will be numbering them in order of pledges, so if a book is in your sights, make your pledge soon!
The Kickstarter fundraiser project page can be found here!
Project Announcement: Motions 10
Ten years and thousands of images later, the Motions collection is still the strong-hold of my work. I’ve thought about a coffee table book for a number of years and feel the time is right to pursue the vision that I've been mulling over in my mind.
After much thought and research I have decided to self publish the book, which can be costly. That's where crowdfunding coming to play. I will be launching a fundraising campaign through Kickstarter starting March 1st and hope you will consider contributing to the fundraising efforts. In return, I'll be offering a number of rewards including the book itself along with greeting cards and prints ranging from smaller open edition pigment prints up to larger limited edition aluminum prints. If you are unfamiliar with Kickstater, or how crowdfunding in general works, check out the site here - there are some really neat projects happening all over the world using the platform.
The final hardcover book will be a gracious 11” high by 14” wide and will be around 130 pages (depending on final funding amount raised). Pages will be printed on high quality paper that has been sourced from environmentally responsible American paper mills.
I'm really excited about this project and will be sharing more information as March approaches, so please check back often and watch for announcements via Facebook and Instagram!
The Kickstarter fundraiser project page can be found here!
Self publishing isn’t cheap (especially when quality is important) and I’m not wealthy. That’s where crowdfunding comes in.
Motions 10 • Fallen, Revisited | Dual Exhibit | Sublette Co. Library, Pinedale WY | Sep, 2019
September 2019 will mark a decade of Motions images!
To celebrate, a special dual exhibit will take place at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale that month. Motions images will be on display showcasing a 10 year journey of capturing landscapes with movement. Plus, new images from the 2018 edition of the Fallen from the Aspen collection will also be on exhibit.
Reception is set to take place September 14th, from 3 - 8 pm - this won't be an ordinary art reception!
Hors d'oeuvres • Beer & Wine • Give-a-ways • and More!

Animal Shelter | Invitational Exhibit | Mystery Print Gallery | Nov 1 - Dec 29, 2018

Mystery Print Gallery in Pinedale is hosting a special invitational exhibit to include work from 18 artists who primarily produce contemporary work and most of whom em reside in Wyoming. The invite was to produce work with the theme, animal shelter, asking them to explore the concept of how animals protect themselves. Delsa choice to work with some of her recent images of aspen leaves to create a double sided installation, one that requires viewers to interact with the piece in order to see the component of shelter. Titled, Path to Pupation, the work shows an intricate trail created by an aspen leaf miner as it makes its way to location on the leaf that would act as a shelter site for transformation to its next phase of life. Find out more about the exhibit through Studio Wyoming Review, The Art of Survival, by Sue Sommers.
Now Offering My Knowledge!
Do you want to learn more about your camera, or know someone who does? And, not just learn about all that your camera can do, but truly understand all of the things it can do?
A different approach | Not only do I provide a foundation of understanding for all those settings on your DLSR camera through my basic photo course, but I provide the opportunity for attendees to retain new-found knowledge and continue enhancing their camera skills through monthly workshops.
For more information see the Photo Courses & Workshop page.

Motions | Exploring Shadows, Highlights & Colors of a Landscape with Motion
Image Catalog | 2009-2016
An all-encompassing catalog is now available for Motions images through 2016! Along with the release of the catalog, the Ultimate Collector's Edition (UCE) is also being released. The small selection of UCE images will be available as large aluminum prints with a limited edition of just one. That's right, only one will be sold of each image! Print sizes are 50x75, 36x90 or 56x56 inches, depending on the image orientation and crop. Click on any of the sample pages below to view the full catalog!
ren•dez•vous | A Juried Exhibit of Wyoming Artists
Mystery Print Gallery reception date: June 7, 5-8 pm | Clay Paper Scissors Gallery: Starting July 21
For the second year now, two galleries: Mystery Print Gallery in Pinedale and Clay Paper Scissors Gallery in Cheyenne, are hosting an exhibit showcasing Wyoming artists. The exhibit is split between the two galleries with each group being showcased at both locations for over a month at each gallery. Two images by Delsa were chose for this year's exhibit!

Current Exhibit Location: Pine Coffee Supply, Pinedale, WY | April-June 2018
Reception Date: May 3, 4-8pm
Pine Coffee Supply and Reflections of the Winds will be hosting an artist reception and coffee tasting in conjunction with the Smithsonian exhibit, The Way We Worked, Pinedale Artwalk. A selection of prints and matted prints will also be for sale this evening only, so be sure to add this event to your calendar! Enjoy an adult beverage, coffee and hors 'd oeuvres while checking out some great art work!
Images being showcased by Delsa include those from the "Motions" and "Fallen from the Aspen" collections along with a stunning mountain alpenglow landscape to round off the showing.Pine Coffee's very own barista, Cody Hamilton, has a few great images on display as well!

Fallen from the Aspen prints now available online!
A new offering and a new addition to the online store! Previously, just traditional pigment prints have been offered from the 16 image collection. Now larger aluminum prints are also available, but at very low limited edition quantities.

Matted prints now available!
A number of matted prints have just been added to the purchase gallery with more set to be added in the coming months! Each one is specially designed with colors to enhance the image!


Prints and gift items can now be purchased online!
A number of Reflections of the Winds images can now can be ordered online, with more continually being added. A variety of sizes and types of prints are available to fit any budget, many of which are limited editons. Along with the large number of print options, images are also offered as gift items such as greeting cards, cutting boards, dry erase boards and more!